Gift Boxes For The Needy
Kurdish Orphan Sponsorrship Scheme
Can you imagine how it might be, if you had nothing? Can you imagine how it might feel, to be absolutely isolated and alone? Should it really be necessary for anyone to be in this situation in the year 2014? Of course not! Giving is just one way of caring!
Scrap’ Precious Metals
Do you possess any broken or old, unwanted pieces of gold or silver?
If so, would you consider donating it, to one of our worthy causes?
Once in possession of your gift and a cover-letter - stating that you freely donate your scrap precious metal/Jewelry, to Kind Aid International, in support of one of our charitable aims; we will convert it into cash, through a registered Jeweler.
You will be informed in due course, of the exact funds raised from your gift. In matters of Faith, this type of donation is correctly referred to as coming from your ‘surplus wealth’. As such, it will earn for you, your relevant reward.
Thank You For Your Generosity & For caring.
Hospital Twinning
Do you work in a UK hospital or clinic? Are you interested in the possibility of twining your facility with one in the developing world?
consider donating disposables, scrubsets, instruments and even items like pacemakers. [or parts of them!]. Would you or your colleagues like to volunteer your professional skills in your annual vacation?
Would Consultants be in position to mentor others? If so, please call
Kind Aid International
To find out just how it can work!
Phone: 020-7298-3800
Thank You For Your Generosity & For caring.